Mifeprex- An FDA Approved and Safest Medical Abortion Pill

26jun 2018
Mifeprex- An FDA Approved and Safest Medical Abortion Pill
Buy Mifeprex Abortion pill online with Mifepristone 200mg active element as the FDA approved safest medical abortion pill to terminate the pregnancy.

As the best option of non-surgical abortion, you can anytime make use of Mifeprex abortion pills to terminate the pregnancy. It is an upgraded medication which has been approved by FDA. When a woman plans to abort a child, she takes so many factors into consideration and then comes to a conclusion. It is important to know the time duration of your pregnancy as it assists in choosing the right abortion medication. For a pregnancy which is as old as 10 weeks to 70 days, you can always make use of a medical abortion, but when suffering from an ectopic pregnancy or when above 70 days you must use surgical abortion. Now millions of women are opting for Mifeprex abortion pill which helps you face safe abortion. You must buy abortion pill online and should use this abortion medication as directed.

Working Pattern of Mifeprex

It is known to be an anti-progesterone medication which has been used to stop progesterone from delivering oxygen and also nutrients that helps fetus grow. Once the growth of the fetus is stopped it makes the process easier and better. Also, Mifepristone causes to break the uterine lining and disconnects fetus. It also benefits in widening the cervix, which makes it easier for the pregnancy sections to expel properly. Doctors advise combining the initial abortion medication with Misoprostol, which helps in successful abortion. It has always been seen that one single pill cannot terminate pregnancy alone, hence you are required to combine both the medications and then undergo a successful abortion.

Dosage Pattern of Mifeprex

Initially, you will have to start with oral consumption of Mifepristone. You must consume the medicine with a full glass of water and consume either onto an empty stomach or over a light food diet. Mifepristone holds a dose of 200mg which suffices the need. When you buy online Mifeprex you are supposed to have it whenever you are ready for an abortion. The next pill is Misoprostol, which is consumed bucally. This causes womb contractions, which eventually lead to bringing out the dead fetus naturally. The doses are supposed to be taken properly in order to avoid any negative effects.

Mifeprex Side Effects

 Few side effects are very common and are experienced by women such as vomiting, drowsiness, nausea, headache, severe cramps, etc. If at all you bear these side effects for longer duration make sure to inform the doctor and get treated.


There are a few precautions to be taken in order to undergo the abortion process successfully through a Mifepristone abortion pill. Few below mentioned precautions are supposed to be taken into consideration such as


  1. Do not consume alcohol or smoke cigarette while carrying out this process as it has a bad impact on the body.
  1. Women are restricted to breastfeed when undergoing an abortion because at times the components might cause harm to the newborn. 
  1. Do not use this abortion pill when undergoing an ectopic pregnancy. 
  1. Women above 35 years of age are advised to consult the doctor before consuming Mifeprex.

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